Uses ClrMAMEPro database files for Nebula, NeoGeo, Raine, WinKawaks, and ZINC emulators Jump to a game alphabetically or a page at a time Screen capture ability during emulator execution Display screenshots, movies, and marquees within the interface Advanced command line parameter variables available Customizable command line strings for emulator setup or for each individual game launch Command lines strings are automatically generated Theme images imported are optimized based on selected resolution Resolutions including HDTV, EDTV, and common screen sizes Supports png, jpg, gif, bmp, flv (flash video), and swf (flash) with transparency Ability to close specific and/or all processes launched during emulator execution

Ability to launch shortcuts and batch files Automatically generate batch files within the preferences panel Change the display order of all emulators

Media caching and extended name filtering Use Regular Expressions to edit favorites lists Create and modify multiple favorites list Automatically generate MAME game lists based on genre, dimension, type, year, manufacturer, players, control, chd, and favorites.ini Able to accept input from popular control panels (SlikStik, Ultimarc, etc.) Horizontal and vertical layout options for use on standard and cocktail style game play

MAME history database support with popup window Launch an application while within the frontend Launch an application upon startup and/or exit of the frontend Pre-launch and post-launch an application before and after launching a game Support for snaps.zip, titles.zip, and marquees.zip Universal exit switch to quit all emulators and return to selection mode Screensaver attraction mode launches games within emulators! Filter out mature content from MAME game list Once configured - simple enough for children to control Egalement conçu pour être utilisé avec une borne d'arcade, il dispose de nombreuses fonctionnalités. Maximus Arcade est un Frontend payant ($24.99) supportant de très nombreux systèmes, Basé sur windows, il permet une interaction avec de multiples émulateurs Arcade et consoles.